Digital Tachygraphy Working Group
Working Group Members:
- Vahap TAN (Norm Elektronik Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.)
- Yakup KÜÇÜK (Seyir Mobil Yazılım Elektronik Otomasyon Sistemleri San. Tic. A.Ş.)
- Ferhat KORKMAZ (İntermobil Otomotiv Mümessillik ve Ticaret A.Ş.)
- Serkan KAPKIRAN (Tekno Telematik Otomotiv Otomasyon Ltd. Şti.)
Working Group Responsibilities:
- Carrying out lobbying activities by taking initiatives on public disclosure in the field of digital tachygraphy.
- Monitoring the legislation and regulations regarding the Digital Tachygraphy field of activity,
- Presenting sector opinions by conducting meetings with public authorities within the scope of Digital Tachygraphy topics.
Task Force Initiatives
- Tachygraphy