FIGIEFA (Fédération Internationale des Grossistes, Importateurs & Exportateurs en Fournitures Automobiles / International Federation of Automotive Aftermarket Distributors) represents 19 associations and 5 international purchasing groups from 18 countries worldwide. FIGIEFA, founded in 1955, aims at the protection of free and fair competition within EU and other international platforms in the Aftermarket sector. The headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.
FIGIEFA defends the right of motorist consumers’ right to take their vehicles serviced, repaired and maintained at a workshop of their choice and intends to pave the way for an effective competition in the Automotive Aftermarket sector.
Representing the interests of its members towards European and international institutions, the role of FIGIEFA is to monitor and accompany the design of legislation so as to maintain free and effective competition in the market for vehicle replacements, servicing and repair. FIGIEFA is a stakeholders’ representation accredited to the European Institutions. The Federation holds consultative roster status at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and is a member of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations. (UN-ECE-WP29)
FIGIEFA monitors European and UNECE legislative projects that have an impact on the freedom of all market operators to supply and purchase automotive replacement parts, and to have access to technical information. On one hand, FIGIEFA aims to raise awareness of European decision-makers on the importance of effective competition in the secondary automotive markets, for the benefit of motorists’ consumers and on the key role played by the independent spare parts distributors. On the other hand, the Federation follows new developments in vehicle technology and their impact on the “reparability” of vehicles and on the market of vehicle spare parts, servicing and repair.
Mads Engberg / AUTIG / Denmark
Bastian Mueller / Gesamtverband Autoteile-Handel e.V. / Germany
Lawrence Bleasdale / IAAF / UK
Board Members
Emirhan Silahtaroglu / OSS Association/ Turkey
Nines Garcia de la Fuente / Ancera/ Spain
Alex Gelbcke / TRAXIO Mobility Professionals / Belgium and RAI Vereniging / NL
Bertrand Thorette / Feda/ France
Warren Espinoza / ATR International AG İ
Stéphane Antiglio / PHE - Parts Holdıng Europe
Tomasz Beben / Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów Czesci Motoryzacyjnych (SDCM) / Poland