OSS Association Evaluated the Third Quarter of 2023!

The upward trend in the automotive aftermarket continued in the third quarter. In the third quarter of 2023, the sector increased its sales, exports and employment, and expects a 3.1 percent increase in sales in dollar terms in the last quarter of the year. According to the Automotive After Sales Products and Services Association's (OSS) Sectoral Evaluation Survey for the 3rd Quarter of 2023, there was an average increase of 8.33 percent in domestic sales in dollar terms in the third quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2022. While 43.7 percent of producer members were planning investments, "cash flow problems" were the main problem observed in the third quarter of 2023. OSS members state that "supply problems" declined compared to the previous period.
Otomotiv Satış Sonrası Ürün ve Hizmetleri Derneği (OSS), otomotiv satış sonrası pazarı özelinde yılın üçüncü çeyreğini, üyelerinin katılımıyla düzenlediği bir anket çalışmasıyla değerlendirdi. OSS Derneği’nin 2023 Yılı 3. Çeyrek Sektörel Değerlendirme Anketi’ne göre; otomotiv satış sonrası pazarı geçen yılın son döneminde başlayan yükseliş trendini üçüncü çeyrekte de devam ettirdi. Ankete göre; 2023’ün üçüncü çeyreğinde, yılın ikinci çeyreğine göre yurt içi satışlar dolar bazında ortalama yüzde 10.83 artış gösterdi. Yine yılın üçüncü çeyreğinde 2022’nin aynı dönemine göre yurt içi satışlarda dolar bazında ortalama yüzde 17.02 artış oldu. Bu dönemde dağıtıcı üyelerin satışlarında dolar bazında yüzde 19.69 artış görülürken, üretici üyelerde bu oran yüzde 15,38 seviyesinde gerçekleşti.
Sales in the last quarter are expected to increase by 8.33 percent in dollar terms!
The survey also included expectations for the last quarter of the year. Accordingly, it was observed that the sector expected a 3.1 percent increase in domestic sales in dollar terms in the last quarter of 2023. The survey also points to an 8.33 percent increase in sales in dollar terms compared to the same period last year. The rate of OSS Association members who stated that there was no change in collection processes, which was 61.8 percent in the second quarter of 2023, was 59.5 percent in the third quarter of 2023.
Employment power continues to increase!
42.9 percent of the surveyed members increased their employment in the first quarter of the year. 52.4 percent of the members maintained their employment in the said period. Compared to the second quarter of 2023, the rate of members who stated that their employment decreased remained at 4.8 percent. It was noteworthy that the employment rates of producer and distributor members were close to each other.
The biggest problem is cash flow!
Problems in the sector again constituted one of the most striking sections of the survey. While "Problems in cash flow" was the leading problem observed by the members in the third quarter of 2023, "Supply problems" showed a downward trend compared to the previous period. 54.8 percent of the members described the problems in cash flow as the biggest problem for the sector. 45.2 percent of the respondents pointed to cargo costs and delivery problems, while 42.9 percent pointed to the exchange rate and exchange rate increase. In addition, 28.6 percent of the participants listed supply problems, 19 percent listed business loss and turnover and problems at customs as important problems.
47.6 percent of members are planning investments!
The survey also scrutinized the investment plans of the sector. According to the survey, the rate of members who plan to make new investments in the next three months was 47.6 percent, above the previous period. In the previous survey, 33.3 percent of producer members planned to make investments, while this rate dropped to 43.8 percent in the new survey. The rate of 50 percent among distributor members remained unchanged in this period. It was observed that 22.7 percent of the surveyed members predicted that the sector would improve in the next three months.
Both production and exports are on the rise!
The average capacity utilization rate of manufacturers in the third quarter of the year was 79.38 percent. This rate was 79.17 percent in the second quarter of 2023. In the third quarter, members' production increased by 9.06 percent compared to the previous quarter. In the third quarter of the year, members' exports increased by 2.5 percent in dollar terms compared to the previous quarter and by 5 percent compared to the same period of 2022.