OSS took its place at Automechanika Istanbul Plus 2021

The Automotive Aftermarket Products and Services Association (OSS) took part in Automechanika Istanbul, one of the most important events of the sector, with nearly 20 of its members. The organization, where the heart of the aftermarket beats and OSS is the main supporter, was held at Istanbul Tüyap Fair Center between 18-21 November.
Automechanika Istanbul Plus 2021 Fair Brings Automotive Industry Professionals Together Again After 2 Years Break
Automechanika Istanbul Plus, organized in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt Istanbul and Hannover Fairs Turkey, offered new business opportunities and connections for all automotive industry professionals after a break of more than two years. Automechanika Istanbul Plus, which set out with the aim of bringing together automotive industry professionals, brought together 652 exhibitors with 32,758 industry professionals from 121 countries this year. Organized for the 14th time, the fair was held for the first time in its 20-year journey on the PLUS digital platform, which allows professionals from all over the world to experience the fair experience remotely at the same time as the physical event in the fairground. The PLUS digital platform enabled a total of 27,876 industry professionals from Turkey and abroad to attend the fair and follow new trends and industry developments. Within the scope of the "Buyer Delegation Program", 37 purchasing delegations from 8 countries, mainly from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, attended the fair.
Speaking at the opening of Automechanika Istanbul Plus 2021, Ziya Ozalp, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OSS, said: "As the Automotive After Sales Products and Services Association, we are very proud to be the main supporter of Automechanika Istanbul, one of the most important fairs of the sector, this year as well. As the OSS Association, we continue to represent our sector with a total of 210 members, 119 of which are distributors and 91 of which are manufacturers." Ziya Özalp also touched upon the automotive after-sales agenda and problems: He gave information about the Fake Spare Parts Whatsapp Hotline: ''As the OSS Association, we believe that the work we carry out in order for our sector to always move forward brings along a long-term process. And we believe that this process will always be carried one step forward with the power to be obtained from a work to be carried out together. In this context, we have taken another step in order to combat "counterfeit spare parts production and distribution", which is one of the biggest problems of our industry, and we have launched our "counterfeit spare parts whatsapp tip line".
I would like to emphasize that the notifications to our hotline are evaluated in detail by our law office, all necessary legal processes are followed by professional staff by observing the principle of confidentiality, and the necessary procedures are initiated immediately. In order to continue the fight against counterfeit spare parts with determination, we will continue our efforts to increase the awareness of our tip line.''
Panel on Measures and Precautions Against Counterfeit Products attracted great attention
Within the scope of Automechanika Academy, OSS organized the "Fight Against Counterfeit Products - Measures and Precautions Panel" on the first day of the fair. In the panel organized with the participation of OSS Chairman Ziya Ozalp, OSS Board Member Emirhan Silahtaroğlu and Lawyer Barış Kalaycı, all activities carried out by the OSS Association against counterfeit products, one of the most important problems of the sector, were discussed.
Members held meetings at the OSS Stand
Open for 4 days, members of the association also had the opportunity to hold B2B meetings at the OSS stand.
Automechanika Istanbul will be the meeting point of the automotive industry between June 2-5, 2022 at Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center with the support of OSS.