FIGIEFA General Assembly Held in Istanbul

The Elected General Assembly of FIGIEFA - International Federation of Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers of Vehicle Parts was held in Istanbul on Wednesday, May 22nd. Emirhan Silahtaroğlu, Secretary General of OSS, is among the newly elected Board Members representing Turkey.
FIGIEFA members arrived in Istanbul from various European cities on Tuesday, May 21. The program prepared by the OSS Association started with a meeting held on Tuesday. At the meeting, OSS Association Chairman Ali Özçete and Secretary General Emirhan Silahtaroğlu gave information about the activities of the association, while FIGIEFA President Cor Baltus and CEO Sylvia Gotzen shared the latest activities of FIGIEFA. After the meeting, the members came together for dinner.
On Wednesday, May 22nd, new Board members were elected at the FIGIEFA General Assembly. Emirhan Silahtaroğlu, Secretary General of OSS, is among the members of the Board of Directors representing Turkey.
Mads Engberg / AUTIG / Denmark
Bastian Mueller / Gesamtverband Autoteile-Handel e.V. / Germany
Lawrence Bleasdale / IAAF / UK
Board Members
Emirhan Silahtaroglu / OSS Association/ Turkey
Nines Garcia de la Fuente / Ancera/ Spain
Alex Gelbcke / TRAXIO Mobility Professionals / Belgium and RAI Vereniging / NL
Bertrand Thorette / Feda/ France
Warren Espinoza / ATR International AG İ
Stéphane Antiglio / PHE - Parts Holdıng Europe
Tomasz Beben / Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów Czesci Motoryzacyjnych (SDCM) / Poland